I just listened to the podcast and while I know the point that was being made there were several mistakes said about David Chang and Roy Choi in regards to their food, nationality, and city of origin. It was disappointing to hear since it homogenized them as people and misrepresented their contribution to American food.
I just listened to the podcast and while I know the point that was being made there were several mistakes said about David Chang and Roy Choi in regards to their food, nationality, and city of origin. It was disappointing to hear since it homogenized them as people and misrepresented their contribution to American food.
I remember when he said those things and I was going to jump in to clarify things him, there was a lot going on in the café with people running around, food coming out, etc.
I remember you did try to clarify things. It must be difficult trying to juggle so many things at the same time in your podcasts. I really loved your interview of Susan Friedland. You asked her really interesting questions and she just went in completely different directions. Your videos with Romain during the pandemic were really helpful in combating the isolation and separation from loved ones. Thank you.
I just listened to the podcast and while I know the point that was being made there were several mistakes said about David Chang and Roy Choi in regards to their food, nationality, and city of origin. It was disappointing to hear since it homogenized them as people and misrepresented their contribution to American food.
I remember when he said those things and I was going to jump in to clarify things him, there was a lot going on in the café with people running around, food coming out, etc.
He might have been referring to the episode of David Chang's show on making (and eating) tacos: https://www.eater.com/2018/2/23/17029898/ugly-delicious-tacos-recap-season-1-episode-2 And Roy Choi did have a Korean-Mexican taco truck (with other Mexican foods), called Kogi, which is likely what Amit was referring to.
I remember you did try to clarify things. It must be difficult trying to juggle so many things at the same time in your podcasts. I really loved your interview of Susan Friedland. You asked her really interesting questions and she just went in completely different directions. Your videos with Romain during the pandemic were really helpful in combating the isolation and separation from loved ones. Thank you.