+1 for the shoutout to The Eddy -- we loved loved loved loved it. And this interview! So wonderful. Sorry I'm sort of late to find all these goodies!!!

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Such a fun read. I look forward to the day we can travel; Heather's site will be so helpful in our planning. Thank you both!

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Thank you, David (and Heather) - this was very informative. I'm a new subscriber but long-time follower of your blog and I love all your books (just made that yummy chicken pie from MPK for the second time, and I swear I served Deviled Eggs with Cornichon Tapenade from DF for every apero I hosted last summer. Also a shout-out to your adorable partner Romain! Your recipes and videos are helping to bouy my spirits during this challenging time.

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Thanks Elizabeth! Glad you're enjoying the book and the blog : )

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Great interview! I’m relatively new to your newsletters, and just became a member. I love the way you write. You had excellent questions for the interview! By the way, I’m in the process of reading two of your books. Big thank you!

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Thanks Carol - Heather is really knowledgeable so it was fun to pick her brain - happy you liked it and welcome to the newsletter!

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Wow. Such a great interview. Thank you for sharing your experiences, information and life lessons, Heather. Loved this read!

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Thanks Deborah. :-)

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Delightful chat between you two, loved every bit!

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David, Thank you for such a gift for Valentine’s Day💗. Heather was interesting and I’m looking forward to reading some of her newsletters. Blessings, Marianne PS. I’m making Scofflaws for my husband tonight-first time-and Jeffrey Morgenthaler’s Grenedine Syrup.

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This is a real treat - to get you both at once! I think I went to a book signing that included both of you once, but don't remember when. We "lived in" Paris 5 times - each time 2-4 months - between 2009 and 2019. Because my chiropractor (Patti) told me about David before we went the first time, I was already a fan when we arrived. I also learned about Heather and Secrets of Paris sometime around then. It's a peculiar thing being a short-term resident - you don't have many of the concerns of real residents, but you certainly don't approach your time like a tourist. What both of you offer to your readers (now viewers too) seemed to fill in the gaps. The endless insights, recommendations, suggestions and more I've gotten from both of you enriched our experiences in Paris immeasurably!! I'm glad Heather is continuing to do what she does so well, and very pleased by all the ways David has branched out during the pandemic (although I never seem to have the proper ingredients for the drinks he concocts online). Thanks for this interview, and for all the other things!

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Thanks so much, Kate! I'm glad you've found the information usefu and entertaining. There is indeed a LOT of part-time Parisians like you who read Secrets of Paris. I hope you make it back soon! :-)

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I really enjoyed this interview with Heather, David. You and your guests always open my eyes about life in Paris, living in France, and I appreciate learning more each time. And each time, it makes me wish I could visit and experience France in person. You and Heather both have an easy-going, friendly way of speaking through your writings, as well as being intelligent and honest, and that’s what I look for in interviews and posts. Merci!

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I get a number of newsletters but (even though she's my friend) Heather's newsletter *always* has a lot of interesting stuff that you don't read about anywhere else. I don't know how she finds it (I guess that's why she calls it "secrets"...) but one of the newsletters I always look forward to.

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Wonderful interview with an amazing resource. I just spent over an hour reading my way through many of Heather’s articles dreaming about a trip to Paris. We were supposed to be there this spring......sigh......Merci as always, David, for sharing.

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What an incredible interview— your generosity is both amazing and welcome with content to think about and moves me to inspire others. Thank you David and Heather.🇨🇦❤️

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Happy you liked it. We chatted so much...I almost had to break this into part 1 and part 2!

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