Sep 22, 2023Liked by David Lebovitz

I love making jam. Recently I found an International market near my home and noticed that they were selling bags of Italian plums. I made your recipe for strawberry/plum jam with the plums and loved it. Thanks for the recipe.

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Italian plum jam recipe can be found in Kate Lebo's Book of Difficult Fruit. It is a treasure. And a history story as well. I made 2 dozen jars this year.

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I do loved being taken on a vacance that tasted so delightful!

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The Carmel Market is one of my favorite places. When my daughter was living in Israel, I rented an apartment not far from the market and went everyday. Love that place...

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What wonderful holidays! They do sound very busy, though!

I cannot summon a vision from what "baked-stuffed Maine lobsters" may be like. Would you have a favourite recipe? (I suppose this is something you should be able to replicate in France, especially in Brittany)

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They're lobsters split in half lengthwise and covered with flavored breadcrumbs, dotted with butter, and baked. Here's a recipe I found online (although my mom never put other seafood in the stuffing - her's was closer to the last one):




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Oh, nice! Thanks for the effort, David!

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What a great trip and a well detailed column. I didn’t want it to end! Thanks😎

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We are in Brittany until this Saturday. Please post Part II ASAP!

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Unfortunately it takes a while to create and format a post with pictures and links, then it's off to the proofreader, etc. (plus I just had leg surgery so am recovering from that while working on part 2 of this post) but this place was our favorite in Brittany!


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Sep 17, 2023Liked by David Lebovitz

Merci David!

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by David Lebovitz

Now I’m very hungry!! All the photos, foods and places you mention make my mouth water. We have just had a week in Paris and in amongst do the sightseeing thing we went to shops and eateries that we would never have known about had it not been for your writing about them. So a big thank you from the UK.

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glad you had a good trip!

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Oh my goodness, I am so envious of your holiday, and that food! We spent time in Egypt and when visiting Alexandria we were taken to a fabulous restaurant that kept bringing dish after dish of the most amazing food, the same in Hurgarda and also when we went to Jordan, they certainly know how to feed you, and the beer wasn’t half bad also. I have just completed drafts of our time in France ready for when we return from our holidays in November. It has been fabulous reliving our travels, and I am so pleased you shared yours.

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Yes the Arabic hospitality really means abundance...and a big appetite! We are hoping to go to Egypt this year as I've always wanted to go. Glad you enjoyed it.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by David Lebovitz

Thanks for taking us along!

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by David Lebovitz

Your newsletters are so informative, funny and delightful! thank you for taking the time to share your adventures with Romain too. And I love the French vacance... we should all have that time away... but I gotta tell you I loved the IG stuff from your time in all those places!

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by David Lebovitz

Next time you get wonderful tomatoes and don't have the time to roast them, you can put them whole in your freezer. When can cook them, the skins will just slip right off. No need to peel them. I use them for fresh tomato sauce. I do that every fall and have fresh tomatoes for cooking all winter.

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I saw some folks doing that online but whole tomatoes take up a lot of space and since we're going to use them cooked, it's more space-effective to cook or roast them. But thanks for the tip : )

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I know that you don't have the space due to a small freezer and all that ice cream. You could do it very short term though. Your American followers likely have lots of space and could do it.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by David Lebovitz

When does the next plane leave for Tel Aviv/Jerusalem? I loved (salivated heavily!) the descriptions and photos of the food in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. I cannot wait to get my hands on your friend’s cookbook. This was such an interesting post that I drove to my local grocery store for hummus to eat while I read all about la rentrée.

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Your comment about the food in Israel and how Tel Aviv has the best food in the world is seconded by me. I watched your Insta page over the summer and longed to be there again to eat and experience the unique culture of the area. The only downside was trying to acclimate to the reality of armed soldiers everywhere. It was a bit draining even though I must say they were all so good looking.

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I still remember a meal I had there over a decade ago that was a complete surprise. Everyone was amazing although unfortunately the restaurant is now closed. But we ate at some others that I can't wait to go back to.

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Wonderful synopsis of your summer! Thank you for sharing, as always!

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by David Lebovitz

Omg David! Food coma just from reading. You have singlehandedly made me want to go to Israel NOW! I will try to share this post with a friend who has family there if that is allowed. She will love it. And I am saving it for days when I cannot think of what to make to eat. For me, a friend who bought a small teensy piece of her neighbors’s yard to make a garden, had a “farm to table” dinner a few weeks ago. Everything out of her garden except the bread, wine and dairy; baba ganoush (sp?), pickled cucumbers, a tomato and cheese appetizer, kale vegetable salad with apples from her little trees, best eggplant parmesan I ever had, pumpkin (yes they came in early!) mousse and pumpkin spice cake. You would have loved it. Served family style for 18 people. We were set up to eat in the garden but then this downpour started! Everyone grabbed place settings and chairs and ran into the house. Such a fun evening. And one of her neighbors brought a guest. It was their first date!

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by David Lebovitz


Thank you for sharing!!

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